Analytical report that demonstrates the different minerals found in the Huplaso product as well as the percentage of concentration level of each.
Actlabs provides analytical services in several areas, including agriculture and minerals. Their analyzes cover everything from the application of academic research to quality control.
Huplaso is on the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) list for use in organic agriculture according to the standards of the United States and Canada.
OMRI is a non-profit organization that does independant reviews on several inputs that will be used in certified organic production and processing. OMRI checks the products of companies that apply to ensure they meet organic standards.
Huplaso has been approved by the certification agency Pro-Cert according to the standards of the United States and Canada.
Pro-Cert is one of the most recognized agencies in North America. Their certification programs are approved by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP), the CFIA Bio-Canda Office and the Committee on Accreditation for Evaluation of Quality (CAEQ) in Quebec.
Huplaso has been approved by the certification agency Ecocert according to the standards of Canada.
Ecocert certification programs are authorized by the CFIA Bio-Canada Office and the Committee on Accreditation for Evaluation of Quality (CAEQ) in Quebec.