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Gilles Pelletier , Owner of Hortiplan Outaouais Inc.

We are certified in ecological maintenance and landscaping in Quebec and Ontario. We stand out with our Oxygenated compost tea (ECO-Tea Solution). One of our priorities is the environment and this is why we offer ecological products, techniques and solutions that give lasting results.

Last year, we were looking for a new product that would allow us to always improve our results. We added Huplaso volcanic rock dust to the surface to be treated before applying our compost tea. The result was even more spectacular.

Despite the poor weather conditions of last year (cold/rainy/heat wave), we noticed a difference in the density of the lawn. We also noticed that the lawn was greener and kepts its greenness longer during the heat waves. In addition, we noticed a reduction in infestation of certain insect pests on lawn.

I have nothing but positive to say about the result obtained with the use of Huplaso volcanic rock. The only downside we had was the handling of the product which was not easy at first. We had to find the right tool and the right method for the application. In 2020, we will surely opt for the granular product instead of the powdered product for the lawn, which will simplify the use

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